

2016.07.12 メディア掲載

国家戦略特区で家事労働者として働く人のためのチェックリスト(改定版)/ Check List for Foreign Domestic Workers in Japan (Revised)



This is the check lists to make sure the foreign domestic workers’ contract, rights, and protection in Japan National Strategic Special Zones(NSSZ).

This check list is made in accordance with the conditions in POEA because we can find some differences between in NSSZ and POEA.

PDFバージョンも利用できます。→ 国家戦略特区_家事労働注意点160709

The PDF version is also available. → CheckListforForeignDomesticWorkersinJapan(revised)_160709




1. 日本はILOの189号条約(家事労働者)条約を批准していません。


2. 直接雇用の場合の家事労働者は、日本の労働基準法・最低賃金法・労働安全衛生法(以下、「労働基準法等」という)が適用されていません。

3. 国家戦略特区で家事労働者として働く場合は、家事代行業の企業に雇われることになり、労働基準法等が適用されます。各家庭で行う家事の内容は、雇い主である家事代行企業が、各家庭と契約した請負契約で決められた内容のみです。



□ ①23歳以上で、1年以上の家事労働の経験がある。

□ ②「N4程度」の日本語能力がある。

□ ③契約する日本の企業は、3年以上家事代行業をやっている。

□ ④日本語や家事労働のトレーニングの費用は明確にしてもらう。



□ ⑤雇用契約書はしっかり説明をうけ、来日前に渡された。

□ ⑥雇用契約書は母語、ないし英語で書かれたものと日本語で書かれたものをもらっている。

□ ⑦雇用契約書の付属文書の「2 雇用主が契約解消してよい条件」の a .“when housekeeper violates customs, traditions, and laws of Japan(ハウスキーパーが日本の慣習、伝統、法を破るとき)、日本の慣習、伝統が具体的何をしているのか確認した。

□ ⑧渡航費用は日本の企業負担なのかどうか確認する。

2. 日本に来てから

□ ⑨家事の範囲は、炊事、洗濯、掃除、買物、児童の世話・保護(前4つの家事に付随して行う場合だけ認められている)、日常生活行為だけ。身体介護は含まれません。

□ ⑩請負業務なので、家事を行う家の人から直接指示は受けない。


□ ⑪給与明細をもらい、日本人と同等の給与・時給である。

⇒ 最低賃金は雇用主が支払うべき最低の時給賃金で、日本人の家事労働者の標準的賃金額と同じ意味ではありません(参考、最低賃金・時間給 神奈川県905円、大阪府858円)。不明瞭な点は、第三者管理協議会に問いただすことができます。

□ ⑫給与から、出身国での研修費や渡航費など余分なものが引かれていない。

⇒ 天引きされている費目についてすべて説明をしてもらいましょう。

□ ⑬週一日(それが難しい場合四週に4日)の休日は保障されていますか。

□ ⑭住居は企業が提供し、家賃は適切な金額である。

□ ⑮労働災害や雇用主とのトラブルがあった際の相談窓口を知っている。

□ ⑯雇用契約を結んでいる企業の事情で雇用契約の継続が不可能となった場合、他の企業と契約を結びなおすことができる。


Check List for Foreign Domestic Workers in Japan (Revised)

First of all, please remind the below three facts about the current situation of domestic workers in Japan.

1. Japan has not ratified ILO-C189 – Domestic Workers Convention yet.

*Philippine has already ratified it.

2. Japanese Labor Standards Act, Minimum Wages Act, and Industrial Safety and Health Act(here in after referred to as Labor Standards Acts) do not apply to any domestic workers who are employed directly.(the case of direct hire)

3. Howeverdomestic workers in NSSZ are employed by housekeeping service agents(or Specified organizations in this law), and Labor Standards Acts apply to them. Housekeeping service which workers conduct in the household are the items ONLY which are stated in the contract between household and agent.

Please check your contract whether your agent makes it in accordance with the Act on National Strategic Special Zones or not.

1.Before arriving in Japan

□ ① You are at least 23 years old and have at least one year experience of work for housekeeping services or assistance service.

□ ② You have competence in the Japanese language ‘N4 level’ for engaging in activities to provide housekeeping services.

□ ③ Housekeeping service agent has at least three years’ performance of an agency business to provide housekeeping services or assistance therefor in Japan.

□ ④ Ask your agent in the Philippines to clarify the training fee for Japanese language and housekeeping service.

⇒ 【Caution!!】Avoid the excessive expense on your side and the unnecessary salary deduction as well. These trainings have no relation with Japanese housekeeping agent.

□ ⑤ The agent has to explain to you about your employment contract in details and hand it to you before arriving in Japan.

□ ⑥ You have two employment contracts; one in your mother tongue or English and the other in Japanese.

□ ⑦ Confirm the concrete meanings of customs and traditions in the sentence of 1-a“when housekeeper violates customs, traditions, and laws of Japan” in Addendum to the Employment Contract for Project to Accept Foreigners Conducting Housekeeping Service in National Strategic Zones.

□ ⑧ Confirm whether you have to pay your own travel expenses or the agent pays.

2. After arriving in Japan

□ ⑨ Domestic works and assistance in NSSZ are cooking, washing, cleaning, shopping, and other domestic duties in general, and daily life care and necessary protection of children provided together with the above. They do not include any physical care.

□ ⑩ User of households’ services cannot directly order you to do certain domestic works, because the contract is between the household and the agent.

⇒Direct order in contract works is AGAINST this law because that allows ONLY in the Act of employment of dispatched workers.

□ ⑪ Receive pay slip. Your payments should be equal to Japanese

⇒“Minimum wages”are not the standard wage of the Japanese domestic worker, but the lowest hourly wage which an employer should pay

(ref. minimum wage/hour 905 Yen at Kanagawa and 858 Yen at Osaka).

⇒ You can ask questions and consult to Third Party Management Council.

□ ⑫ Make sure if there is any unnecessary salary deduction, such as for training fee, travel expenses, and etc.

If so, you require the explanations to the agent about it.

□ ⑬ You have regular day off at least once a week or four days a month.

□ ⑭ The agent provides your housing and the fee is reasonable.

□ ⑮ You know TROUBLE CONSULTATION WINDOW for occupational accidents and trouble with your employer (agent).

□ ⑯ You can make the new contract with another agent if it is impossible to keep employment contract for the present agent’s reasons.



Please refer the Acts as below:

Act on National Strategic Special Zones (Act No. 107 of December 13, 2013)


Utilization of Foreigners Conducting Housekeeping Services


Order for Enforcement of the Act on National Strategic Special Zones (Cabinet Order No. 99 of March 28, 2014)


Guidelines on Specified Organizations for Project to Accept Foreigners Conducting Housekeeping Services in National Strategic Special Zones


Interpretation Pertaining to the “Project to Accept Foreigners Conducting Housekeeping Services in National Strategic Special Zones” Prescribed in Article 16-3 of the Act on National Strategic Special Zones



フィリピンの海外雇用庁(POEA)6月3日付で出したガイドラインおよび日英の雇用契約書「家事支援外国人受入事業 関連法令等一覧」

Governing Broad Resolution No.8, series of 2016

Governing Board Resolution No.8 Series of 2016


Employment Contract for Project to Accept Foreigners Conducting housekeeping Service in National Strategic Special Zones



Addendum to the Employment Contract for Project to Accept Foreigners Conducting Housekeeping Service in National Strategic Zones



You can also contact to these NGOs for seeking the assistance and/or consultation.

○Asia-Japan Women’s Resource Center (アジア女性資料センター)

http://www.ajwrc.org/jp/ TEL:03-3780-5245 FAX:03-3463-9752 E-mail:ajwrc@ajwrc.org

○Solidarity Network with Migrants Japan –SMJ(移住者と連帯する全国ネットワーク)

http://old.migrants.jp/ Tel 03-3837-2316 Fax 03-3837-2317 E-mail: smj@old.migrants.jp

○Lawyers for Trafficked Victims (人身取引被害者弁護団)

E-mail: ltv0302@gmail.com

