

2024.05.22 イベント

【申込受付終了しました】移住連全国ワークショップ2024 in 大阪(6月8日〜9日)



**The English translated version is below


      いくのコーライブズパーク ※JR鶴橋駅から徒歩約20分(全体会からの参加者)
   移住連会員 2,000円
        一般    3,000円
        学生    1,000円
   +フィールドワーク参加費 1,000円(希望者のみ、先着順)※申込受付終了
        +交流会費        3,500円(希望者のみ、先着順)※申込受付終了

・お申し込み: https://forms.gle/rdKUai6gmTt9H6bJ6 (申込締め切り5月30日(木))



9:30-11:00    大阪コリアタウン フィールドワーク(※定員に達したため、申込受付終了)
12:00       受付開始
13:00-14:30  基調講演

  (特定非営利活動法人 IKUNO・多文化ふらっと こどもみらい事業主任 金和永さん)

  (NPO法人 多言語センターFACIL 特別顧問 吉富志津代さん)

15:00〜17:30   分科会


「育成就労制度」では、問題は解決しない ────私たちは外国人労働者と共にどう歩むのか。





1.「奴隷制度」技能実習生の現状と問題点、課題解消への道筋          酒井恭輔(連合大阪ハートフルユニオン)

2.「奴隷制は変わらない」特定技能制度の現在位置               藤岡小百合(JAMゼネラルユニオン)

3.「共生を阻む」技能実習制度と育成就労制度                 旗手明(自由人権協会) 

4.「生命の選別」外国籍労働者の労災問題                   天野理(東京労働安全衛生センター)

5.「不安定雇用は永遠に解消されないのか」外国籍労働者雇用問題の現在と未来  村山一兵(神奈川シティユニオン)

6.外国籍労働者の組織化(予定)                       ゼネラルユニオン(予定)










1.改定法施行でどうなる? 難民保護、監理措置             赤阪むつみ(難民支援協会)

2.改定法施行でどうなる? 在留特別許可、非正規滞在者のアムネスティ  丸山由紀(弁護士・移住連)

3.改定法施行でどうなる? 非正規滞在者の医療と生存権         大川昭博(移住連)

4.難民申請者・非正規滞在者支援の現場から             ビスカルド篤子(カトリック大阪高松大司教区シナピス)






「在留管理強化にNO! 外国人住民が参画する地域社会」















 この分科会では、関西地域の支援現場の声として、大阪市の「Minamiこども教室」から外国にルーツを持つ子どもたちの居場所と学びとその家族を支える活動、「アプロ・未来を創造する在日コリアン女性ネットワーク」の実態調査やインタビュー調査からシングルマザーや高齢の在日コリアン女性の状況、神戸でフィリピン女性が中心となってフィリピン人母子の学習や就労の支援を行うコミュニティ団体「Masayang Tahanan(マサヤンタハナン)」から団体の実践について、各パネリストの報告を伺います。これら地域の現場から見える課題を、新法制度に照らし、一緒に考え討議します。


1.「女性支援法の施行と女性プロジェクトからの提言」 新倉久乃(カラバオの会・横浜市、和光大学)

2.「大阪ミナミにおける困難な外国人家族に寄り添う」 原めぐみ(Minami こども教室・大阪市)


4.「居場所(コミュニティ団体)の必要性」      川口フローラ(Masayang Tahanan・神戸市)












3.フィリピン人生徒に母語・母文化・日本語を教える教員としてかかわってきた日々  進マリア(大阪府立高校教員等)

4.母語をネイティブ教員から学ぶ意義と次の世代に伝える意義            パレル ハンズ Ⅱ(大阪府立高校教員)








1.反人種差別政策・法整備の現状と課題       師岡康子(弁護士・外国人人権法連絡会)

2.ネット上のヘイトスピーチ対策の現状と課題    金尚均(龍谷大学教員)

3. 相模原市反差別条例制定運動の成果と課題    瀧大知(外国人人権法連絡会)

4. ウトロにおけるヘイト問題とウトロ平和祈念館  金秀煥(ウトロ平和祈念館副館長)









1.国籍って何だろう?               アレックス(難民/帰化訴訟原告)/小田川綾音(弁護士)
2.日本の国籍法概観~国籍法の問題点を総ざらい!  鈴木雅子(弁護士)
   日本における帰化行政の課題  仲尾育哉(弁護士)
   難民と帰化            鈴木雅子(弁護士/難民帰化訴訟弁護団)


18:30〜20:00  夕食・交流会(場所:KCC会館大ホール)※定員に達したため、申込受付終了


9:30     全体会 1   各分科会から報告 
10:30     全体会 2   シンポジウム・ディスカッション
       鈴木江理子さん (NPO法人移住者と連帯する全国ネットワーク共同代表理事)
       郭辰雄さん   (特定非営利活動法人コリアNGOセンター代表理事)
12:00    終了




SMJ National Workshop 2024 in Osaka

<Event Details>
: Sat 8, 13:00 - Sun 9, 12:00, June 2024
PlaceIkuno Park / KCC Hall / Miyukimori Kaikan
Participation fees
 Payment: Cash on site (Please be prepared to bring change)
  ¥2,000 for SMJ members, 
  ¥3,000 for non-SMJ members
  ¥1,000 for students 
  / Fieldwork   ¥1,000 (On request / The registration has closed)
  / After party ¥3,500 (On request / The registration has closed)
Sign-Up Here: https://forms.gle/rdKUai6gmTt9H6bJ6 (Deadline: 30 May 2024)

**English and Spanish interpretation is available
**Accommodation is NOT provided


9:30 - 11:00      Fieldwork in Osaka Korea Town  (The meeting place: JR Tsuruhashi Station ticket gate) First come first served. We have reached capacity, so we have closed applications.
12:00         Reception starts  (The meeting place: Ikuno Park)
13:00 - 14:30  Keynote speech  
  "About Ikuno multicultural Flat's Activities" (Kim Hwa-young, IKUNO Multicultural Flat)
  "Lessons learned from the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake and efforts of the Takatori Community Center" (Yoshitomi Shizuyo, Multi Language Center FACIL)

15:00-17:30       Breakout Session

Session1  Labour, TITP and Specified Skilled Worker(SSW)

"Training and Employment System" does not solve the problem - How do we walk together with foreign workers?

The government has submitted a bill for the "Training and Employment" system to replace the Technical Intern Training Program to the Diet. If passed, it will be implemented within three years. While the Training and Employment system allows for "transfers based on the individual's intentions," it is conditional on factors such as Japanese language proficiency and skills, and transfer restrictions can last up to two years, making it not much different from the Technical Intern Training Program. Furthermore, the bill does not address the measures to eliminate the "horrific human rights violations" that have been pointed out as serious problems so far.

We have been dealing with labor issues such as employment, occupational accidents, and exclusion from social insurance alongside migrant workers. We have also put effort into organizing labor unions to protect the rights recovery and dignity of workers. However, rights violations persist, changing in form and means. Why do serious rights violations against migrant workers continue to exist?

At this very moment, as the bill is being deliberated in the Diet, we will discuss what we should do, looking at the current situation of migrant workers, without causing any more victims and realizing a true multicultural society, while reconfirming the problems of the "Training and Employment" system.


1. Current situation, problems, and roadmap for addressing the "slave system" of technical intern trainees

      Kyosuke Sakai (JTUC-Osaka Heartful Union)

2. The current position of the "unchanged slave system" Specific Skills Visa Program

      Sayuri Fujioka (JAM General Union)

3. The Technical Intern Training Program and Training and Employment System hindering coexistence

      Akira Hatate (Japan Civil Liberties Union)

4. "Selection of life" - Occupational accident issues of foreign workers

      Osamu Amano (Tokyo Occupational Safety and Health Center)

5. "Will precarious employment never be resolved?" Current and future issues of employing foreign workers

      Kazuhiro Murayama (Kanagawa City Union)

6. Organization of foreign workers (scheduled)

      General Union (scheduled)

【General Discussion】

    Efforts for realizing appropriate coexistence society based on the Training and Employment System

      Facilitators: Keita Sakamoto (Zentoitsu Workers Union)/Fumiyasu Mitoma (Sapporo General Union)


Session2  Refugees, Detention, and the Rights to Life of Undocumented Persons

“What will happen with the enforcement of the revised Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act in 2023? - The Human Rights of Refugee Applicants and Irregular Stayers”

The revised Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act, enacted in June 2023, will be fully enforced by June 15, 2024, one year after its promulgation. The revised law falls far short of international standards for refugee acceptance and detention, with exceptions for deportation even during refugee application processes, the establishment of a supervision system that has been criticized for various issues, and changes to the Special Permission to Stay system that further restrict regularization for irregular stayers. Amidst conditions where even the minimum rights to medical care and survival are not guaranteed for irregular stayers, it is predicted that refugee applicants and irregular stayers will be further cornered after the enforcement of the revised law.

In this subcommittee, we will receive reports on the anticipated changes in the situation of stakeholders due to the enforcement of the revised Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act, as well as reports from the field of support. Together with the participants, we will consider what supporters can do.


1.What will happen with the enforcement of the revised law? Refugee protection, supervision measures     Mutsumi Akasaka (Japan Association for Refugees)

2.What will happen with the enforcement of the revised law? Special permission to stay, amnesty for irregular stayers
    Yuki Maruyama (Lawyer, SMJ)

3.What will happen with the enforcement of the revised law? Medical care and the right to survival of irregular stayers
    Akihiro Okawa (SMJ)

4.From the field of support for refugee applicants and irregular stayers

    Atsuko Biscardo (Archdiocese of Osaka-Kagawa, Catholic Church, Sinapis)

【General Discussion】

Facilitator: Motoko Yamagishi (SMJ)


Session3   Municipal Policies

"No to Strengthening Residency Management! Creating Community Societies with Foreign Residents' Participation"

On March 15, 2024, amendments to the Immigration Control Act, the Special Law on Immigration Control, and the Technical Intern Training Act were decided upon by the Cabinet. While attention is focused on the establishment of the "Training for Employment" system as an alternative to the Technical Intern Training Program, there are also provisions in this amendment bill promoting strengthened residency management, such as the cancellation of permanent residency permits and the integration of residence cards, special permanent resident certificates, and My Number cards.

In this session, we will highlight the issues of strengthened residency management in the amended bill from the perspective of communities where foreign residents live, work, and study. Together with the participants, we will contemplate community building for achieving genuine coexistence.

【Issue Presentation】

 Strengthening Residency Management in the 2024 Amended Immigration Act

  Eriko Suzuki (SMJ/ Kokushikan University)


1.Cancellation of Permanent Residency and Local Governments

   Takao Yamada (SMJ for Immigration and Coexistence Policies/ Kawasaki Citizens' Network Against Hate Speech/ Former Kawasaki City Official)

2.Pitfalls of Integrating Residence Cards and My Number Cards

       JANG Chung Ik (SMJ/ Administrative Scrivener)

3.Initiatives for Coexistence at Toyonaka International Exchange Association

       Takashi Yamanoue (Association for Toyonaka Multicultural Symbiosis)

【General Discussion】

Community Building with Foreign Residents' Participation and Coexistence, Not Just Coexistence Under Strengthened Residency Management

Facilitator: Nobuyuki Sato (Immigration Network/ RAIK)

Session4  Women

"The New Legal System for Women's Support Facing Difficult Problems and the Field of Support for Immigrant Women"

In the Women's Project, we have been sending requests and public comments to each local government since the nationwide workshop in 2023 regarding the "Law on Support for Women Facing Difficulties" (hereinafter referred to as the Women's Support Law, enforced on April 1, 2024) to utilize it for the support of immigrant women and children with roots in foreign countries (hereinafter referred to as immigrant women, etc.). While the new law explicitly states in its basic principles that it does not discriminate based on age, disability, or nationality, whether it will actually lead to support for immigrant women, etc. may vary depending on each local government's support system for foreigners. What difficult problems do immigrant women, etc. actually face, and what barriers do supporters face in providing assistance?

In this session, we will hear reports from various panelists, including the activities supporting children and families with roots in foreign countries from "Minami Kodomo Kyoushitsu" in Osaka City, the situation of single mothers and elderly Korean women in Japan from the "Apro Women's Network Creating Future" based on surveys and interviews, and the practices of the community organization "Masayang Tahanan" in Kobe, which supports the learning and employment of Filipino mothers and children led by Filipino women in Kobe. We will discuss and consider these challenges visible from the field in these regions in relation to the new legal system.


1.Implementation of the Women's Support Law and Recommendations from the Women's Project 
         Hisano Nikura (Karabao no Kai, Yokohama City, and Wako University)

2.Supporting Difficult Foreign Families in Osaka Minami
        Megumi Hara (Minami Kodomo Kyoushitsu, Osaka City)

3.People in More Difficult Situations Among Korean Women in Japan - Insights from Surveys
        Park Geun Hye (Apro Women's Network/ Hurights Osaka, Osaka City)

4.The Necessity of a Place (Community Organization)
        Flora Kawaguchi (Masayang Tahanan, Kobe City)


Session5  Children and Youth

"The History, Current Status, and Challenges of Mother Tongue Education (Support) in Prefectural High School's Designated Admission Schools"

In several municipalities, there are designated admission high schools (designated schools) established for students who come to Japan in the middle of their studies in their home countries and enroll in Japanese schools. One of the characteristics of Osaka's designated schools, which implement the "Selection of Returnee and Foreign Students Requiring Japanese Language Instruction," is mother tongue education.

In this session, we will focus on mother tongue education, which has been taught in compulsory schools and designated schools by native teachers over the years, and we will also include reports from former students who are now teachers at prefectural high schools. Additionally, teachers who have been involved in designated school education for many years will report on the history, current status, and challenges of mother tongue education (support) in Osaka.

We will discuss these topics together with the participants, incorporating workshops.


1. Report from the Children and Youth PT

2.History of the Entrance Exam and Mother Tongue Education at Osaka Prefectural High Schools, Initiatives of the Osaka Prefectural Board of Education

       Yoshinori Hashimoto (Osaka Kodomo Multicultural Center, NPO)

Osamu Yoneya (Osaka Prefectural High School Teacher)

3.Daily Involvement as a Teacher Teaching Mother Tongue, Mother Culture, and Japanese to Filipino Students

      Maria Shin (Osaka Prefectural High School Teacher, etc.)

4.The Significance of Learning Mother Tongue from Native Speakers and Passing it on to the Next Generation

      Parel Hands II (Osaka Prefectural High School Teacher)

5.Workshop on Considering the Necessity of Mother Tongue Education


Session6  Racism and Hate Speech

"Let's Advance Anti-Racism Policies and Legislation Nationwide"
In 2016, thanks to the efforts of many, including Zainichi Koreans, Japan enacted its first anti-racism law, the Hate Speech Elimination Law. While there have been some achievements, such as advancements in court decisions recognizing discrimination in anti-racism trials, the realization of laws prohibiting discrimination as required by international human rights law and the establishment of domestic human rights institutions have not yet been achieved. Particularly, measures to address hate speech online, which is a serious issue, have been lagging behind. While measures to address "defamation and slander" are making some progress with the criminalization of insults, we will learn about the progress of international efforts, consider the necessary measures, and explore the path to realization.
Furthermore, to realize anti-discrimination laws, it is essential to not only engage with the government but also implement anti-discrimination measures and enact ordinances at the grassroots level, as well as establish networks and bases for anti-discrimination efforts. We will learn from practices in Sagamihara and Utoro and exchange information and opinions to implement these measures nationwide.

【Part 1】

1.Current Status and Challenges of Anti-Racism Policies and Legislation
   Yasuko Morooka (Lawyer,
Japan Network towards Human Rights Legislation for Non-Japanese Nationals & Ethnic Minorities)
2.Current Status and Challenges of Countermeasures against Hate Speech Online
   Sangyun Kim (Ryukoku University Faculty)
3.Achievements and Challenges of the Sagamihara City Anti-Discrimination Ordinance
   Daichi Taki (Japan Network towards Human Rights Legislation for Non-Japanese Nationals & Ethnic Minorities)
4.Hate Issues in Utoro and Utoro Peace Memorial Museum
   Kim Soo Hwan (Deputy Director, Utoro Peace Memorial Museum)
【Part 2】
1.Participant Introductions
2.Information and Opinion Exchange for the Realization of Anti-Discrimination Ordinances, Anti-Discrimination Base Facilities, and Countermeasures against Online Hate Speech
Facilitator: Yasuko Morooka

Session7  Nationality

"What does nationality mean for immigrants? ~ Challenges of Nationality Law that Creates 'Nationality'"

This time, for the first time as part of the SMJ Workshop, we will hold a nationality subcommittee!

In the first part, we will discuss what nationality means for immigrants while listening to the voices of the stakeholders. We will then provide an overview of Japan's Nationality Law, which specifically defines such "nationality," and thoroughly examine its problems.

In the second part, starting from the issues of the Nationality Law, we will delve into two points: nationality deprivation and naturalization, with the participation of stakeholders.

【Part 1: General Discussion】

1.What is nationality?

   Alex (Refugee/Naturalization Lawsuit Plaintiff) / Ayane Odagawa (Lawyer)

2.Overview of Japan's Nationality Law - Thorough Examination of the Issues of Nationality Law!

        Masako Suzuki (Lawyer)

【Part 2: Specific Discussions】

  1. 1.Unconstitutional Lawsuit for Nationality Deprivation - Don't Take Away Japanese Nationality Arbitrarily Against Our Will

   Yuri Kondo (Plaintiff of the Lawsuit Asserting Unconstitutionality of Article

11, Paragraph 1 of Nationality Law Ignoring Individual's Will)

   Teruo Naka (Lawyer / Same Legal Team)

  1. 2.Naturalization and Discretion - Can Naturalization be Decided as the State Pleases!?

・Challenges of Naturalization Administration in Japan
   Ikuya Nakao (Lawyer)

・Refugees and Naturalization

   Masako Suzuki (Lawyer / Refugee Naturalization Lawsuit Legal Team)


18:30-20:00       After Party (Venue: KCC Hall)
** Only for people who registered. The registration has closed.

<Day 2, 9th June>
9:30       Plenary Session 1  Reports from Breakout Sessions           
10:30     Plenary Session 2  Symposium and Discussion 
  "Control and Exclusion, Expanding Acceptance of Migrants, and the Consequences"
           Suzuki Eriko, Solidarity Network with Migrants Japan
           Kaku Chin-woong, Korea NGO Center
           Laborte Masaki, Association for Toyonaka Multicultural Symbiosis

12:00         Closing
** After the Work Shop, the SMJ general meeting will be held from 1pm to 2pm. 
 The detailed information - TBA


